

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Appreciation of the Fire

I wish I could show you everything beautiful about yourself that you can't see.
The flaws that reek of imperfect perfection.
Your soul shining through your eyes.
That's an image I can't believe I've been blessed enough to have burned into my memory banks.
There's a pain beneath your glow I wish I could comfort.
I wish I could erase the consuming self-doubt.
Demons falter in your presence.
I wish you would believe this.
The magnitude of your influence unmasked.
You changed my life by simply being in it.
I wish you could see it.
You are the reason life is worth living.
Not just for me, but for many.
You are worth it.
You are deserving of a life truly lived.
I wish I could give you what you deserve.
I would give you the world and all of me, but even that wouldn't be enough.
You deserve infinity.
I hope infinity finds you.
All I can give is words.
Words that will never be capable of bringing your powerful existence to light.
You are indescribable.
You are embedded in my delicate consciousness.
And this is where you break free.
Accept and love who you are.
Because you are life.

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